Hakha le Falam tiin No Than Kap le CNA/F an rak buaibainak ruangah i remlonak ding a ruang a um lo, nain a buaipi huam mi cu nan mah nawl ta…
Ka hawipa Abel nih “ Ka U Aung nupi ttihumnak puai (May 15,2010) ah rak i tel kho ve law cu ka duh ngai” tiin a ka sawm i May 14,2010 zanlei sang ah ka umnak Michigan State in U Khar ( Pu Tial Khar Lian) le a innchungkhar tiin Ko Aung nupi ttihumnak tuah nakding hmun Indianapolis lei ah kan i thawk. Nazi pali len mawtawka mawngh a si i lam tluan ah bia a phunphun kan i ruah. Mah kan i ruah mi lakah tlawmpal langhter ka duhmi tete a um. Ziah ti ahcun kan miphun hawi hna nih theih hna seh timi siaherhnak ka neih caah a si.
Pu Khar nih CNA/ F le No Than Kap karlak ah buaibainak a rak chuakmi kong ah a chim mi bia nih ka lung a ka suk hrinhrang. A hmang ngai ti zong in ka ruah. A chim mi bia cu hi tiin a si,“Tio tiva kam siloah India ramri buaibainak kha Hakha le Falam um Chin miphun vialte minput in tu ni tiang buaipi a kan timh mi chungah buai hi a phu lem lo. Buai awk le i elding zong a um lo. Ziah ti ahcun CNA/F hi Chin mipi nih me pek in thimmi an si lo, an mah lungtho tein ram le miphun dothlennak caah tiin hriamnam a tlaihmi bu a si, cubantukin No Than Kap zong hi Chin miphun nih me pek in rak thim mi a rak si lo bantukin Falam um Chin miphun nih CNA/F tuahding in me an rak pek mi zong a si lo. Cucaah Falam um Chin miphun kha represent a tuah kho lo. A mah lungtho tein ram le miphun caah CNA/F a luhmi a rak si. MP kan rak thim mi hna rak si hna seh law represent an kan tuah ti khawh a si hnga”
Nai hrawng group mail tete i biaruahnak ah Hakha le Falam kan iremlonak a ruang cu No Than Kap le CNA/F buaibainak a rak chuak hnu ah iremlonak a um ti lei kam deuh in catialmi tete a um pah. An catialmi tete ka sia a rem lo ngai. A ruang cu kan nih chungkhar hi Falam ah 1996 in tu ni tiang khua a sakmi kan si. Tu ni tiangah Falam nih Hakha a remlonak zong ka hmu lo bantukin Hakha zong nih Falam a remlonak ka hmu lo. Ka hmu mi le ka theihmi tu cu a luanciami kum 18 hrawng ah India ram chungah buaibainak a rak tonmi No Than Kap ttanhtu minung chim awktlak lo minung zat nih Hakha lei cu… cu ee… kha ee… tiin an ti pah ka hmuh/ ka thei tawn. Cu bantukin CNA/F lei zong nih No Than Kap nih a rak tuahserhnak a tha lomi tete pawl kong ca a chuak. No Than Kap a tanhtu pawl cheukhat nih CNA/F nih No Than Kap a rak tuahserhnak kong a chuak mi cungah biatak tein defend an tuah ve. Careltu mipi cheukhat cu ho dah a hmang tiin khuaruah tam a fawi te. Nain kan theih awk a herhmi cu kan ram a thlen tikah No Than Kap nih a rak tuahserhnak kong ah CNA/F nih taza a cuai te lai dah, cubantukin No Than Kap zong nih taza cuainak a tuah khawh ve te men. Biaceihtu nih bia cu khiah te ko seh! Nangmah le keimah nih CNA/F le No Than Kap rak buaibainak cung biakhiahnak nawl kan ngei lo. Kan ram a thlen tikah biatak le bia hmang a lang te ko lai.
Falam ee, Hakha ee … tiin a au lengmang mi pawl khi Falam le Hakha um Chin miphun kharlak ah i dawtnak le iremnak a um khi an thei lo. Cu siloah an thei ko nain buainak tuah huam an si caah si dawh an lo.A ngaingai ti ahcun Falam le Hakha um Chin miphung cu zeitik hmanh ah kan iremlonak a um lo, nain chim awktlak lo pakhat pahnih tu cu pumpak remlonak ruangah Hakha le Falam mi hmang in buaibainak tuah a hman mi an um.Mah hna nih hi Hakha le Falam um Chin miphung karlak ah cu ee … kha ee.. cu cu an si ee… tbk in iremlonak ding ah ca an tialmi le chim mi pawl chung ah ka Chin miphun hawi mipi nih an theih ning an i palh sual lai ti ka duh lo tuk caah siaherhnak he mah ca hi ka rak tial. Ka lawm.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Google Inn Lian Pi
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
by richard Zatu
Kawl ram independence kan hmuh ni January 4, 1948 in Gen Ne Win nih uknak alaak ni March 2, 1962 tiang kha Parliamentary Democracy chan ka timi cu asi. Kha lioah Parliament pahnih aum i Chamber of Deputies le Chamber of Nationalities ti an si. Chin Special Division in Chamber of Deputies ah paruk Chamjber of Nationalities ah pariat, aphun hnih fonh ah Member of Parliament 14 an um.
kha Lairam MP 14 kha chin affairs Council ti asi i Lairam an uk i Lairam caah upadi anser. Cu chung in Minister for chin affairs, Parliamentary Secretary ke chairman le member thim asi. Cu hna cu an mah 14 chung in anmah tein Prime Minister hnatlakpinak aherh. MP tam deuh ahmumi nih me tamdeuh a neih caah 14 chungah party pakhat maw party pahnih ai fonmi ih maw zatceo nak tamdeuh hmun a neih ah cun anmah nih cozah an tlaih khawh. 14 chungah zatceo nak tamdeuh si awk ah 8 tal si ahau. Cu hna chungin acunglei upa kha thim ansi.
Cu lioah U Nu le Thakhin Tin hruaimi Thantsin Pasabala le U Ba Swe le U kyaw Nyein hruaimi Timye Pasabala tiah Party nganpipi pahnih le party dang dang an um. Lairam in Thantsin cu Za hre Lian te No Zam te pawl an si. Timye cu Ro Thang te Ral Hmung te pawl ansi. Cun Lairam ah Chin National Organization timi party aum ve i Capt Mang Tung Nung te Hrang Nawl te pawl an si.
1959 Gen Ne Win nih caretaker Goverment ah Prime Minister atuan lioah Zahre Lian kha Lai vuanci asi . Thantsin party in Thang Lian nih Lai vuanci si aduh caah Timye ah ai Thial i Timye ah MP an tamdeuh cang i vuanci atuan . Thlaruk atuan hnu ah Zahre Lian nih Ral Hmung kha Thang Lian vuanci cuh law Thantsin nih me kan in peek lai ati i Ral Hmung nih vuanci atuan. Ral hmung nih ning cang loin Hakha ah Myodaw athial caah Ne Win nih vuanci in aphuah. Cun thang Sun nin hong ka cuh hlah law vuanthok kan peek lai nati na ka pee tung lo tiin Ral Hmung cu taza a cuai i Ral Hmung cu Mp zong in an phuah. Cuhnu ah Zahre Lian vuanci asi than 1960 thimnak ah Tiddim in CNO nih ahmun thum ning in MP an hmuh i bawi rian dang vialte kha an tlaih. Ral HMung nih a lawnter mi hmun in 1961 ah Hrang Nawl ai cuh than i atai caah CNO in MP4 an chuak. Cun CNO nih Lairam cozah an tlai lai maw Capt Mang Tung Nung Chin Vuanci asi lai maw anti lioah Gen Ne Win nih aana ating i lai MP vialte ihphahtom an izual i an tlung .
Chin vuanci cuhchan adong.
atang lei hi 1960
1. Capt Mang Tung Nung ( Tiddim )
2. U son Kho Lian ( tiddim )
3. U Pum Kho Gin ( Tiddim )
4. U Zahre Lian ( Falam )
5. U No Zam ( Falam )
6. U Thang Hlur ( Falam )
7. U Ro Thang ( Hakha)
8. U Ral Hmung /U Hrang Nawl ( Hakha )
9. U Sang Ning ( Matupi )
10. U Mang Tling ( Matupi )
11.U Shein Htang (Mindat )
12. U Tun Aung ( Kampe let )
13. U Htat Hlaing ( Paletwa)
14. U Saw Hla ( paletwa )
ch: Miroling Hrang Nawl cauk ah U lian Bik le Saya Ngun Hre tial mi le Tiddim to Yangon By Col Khen Za Moong . Hi lio ah Thantlang cu Hakha ah ai tel.
Kawl ram independence kan hmuh ni January 4, 1948 in Gen Ne Win nih uknak alaak ni March 2, 1962 tiang kha Parliamentary Democracy chan ka timi cu asi. Kha lioah Parliament pahnih aum i Chamber of Deputies le Chamber of Nationalities ti an si. Chin Special Division in Chamber of Deputies ah paruk Chamjber of Nationalities ah pariat, aphun hnih fonh ah Member of Parliament 14 an um.
kha Lairam MP 14 kha chin affairs Council ti asi i Lairam an uk i Lairam caah upadi anser. Cu chung in Minister for chin affairs, Parliamentary Secretary ke chairman le member thim asi. Cu hna cu an mah 14 chung in anmah tein Prime Minister hnatlakpinak aherh. MP tam deuh ahmumi nih me tamdeuh a neih caah 14 chungah party pakhat maw party pahnih ai fonmi ih maw zatceo nak tamdeuh hmun a neih ah cun anmah nih cozah an tlaih khawh. 14 chungah zatceo nak tamdeuh si awk ah 8 tal si ahau. Cu hna chungin acunglei upa kha thim ansi.
Cu lioah U Nu le Thakhin Tin hruaimi Thantsin Pasabala le U Ba Swe le U kyaw Nyein hruaimi Timye Pasabala tiah Party nganpipi pahnih le party dang dang an um. Lairam in Thantsin cu Za hre Lian te No Zam te pawl an si. Timye cu Ro Thang te Ral Hmung te pawl ansi. Cun Lairam ah Chin National Organization timi party aum ve i Capt Mang Tung Nung te Hrang Nawl te pawl an si.
1959 Gen Ne Win nih caretaker Goverment ah Prime Minister atuan lioah Zahre Lian kha Lai vuanci asi . Thantsin party in Thang Lian nih Lai vuanci si aduh caah Timye ah ai Thial i Timye ah MP an tamdeuh cang i vuanci atuan . Thlaruk atuan hnu ah Zahre Lian nih Ral Hmung kha Thang Lian vuanci cuh law Thantsin nih me kan in peek lai ati i Ral Hmung nih vuanci atuan. Ral hmung nih ning cang loin Hakha ah Myodaw athial caah Ne Win nih vuanci in aphuah. Cun thang Sun nin hong ka cuh hlah law vuanthok kan peek lai nati na ka pee tung lo tiin Ral Hmung cu taza a cuai i Ral Hmung cu Mp zong in an phuah. Cuhnu ah Zahre Lian vuanci asi than 1960 thimnak ah Tiddim in CNO nih ahmun thum ning in MP an hmuh i bawi rian dang vialte kha an tlaih. Ral HMung nih a lawnter mi hmun in 1961 ah Hrang Nawl ai cuh than i atai caah CNO in MP4 an chuak. Cun CNO nih Lairam cozah an tlai lai maw Capt Mang Tung Nung Chin Vuanci asi lai maw anti lioah Gen Ne Win nih aana ating i lai MP vialte ihphahtom an izual i an tlung .
Chin vuanci cuhchan adong.
atang lei hi 1960
1. Capt Mang Tung Nung ( Tiddim )
2. U son Kho Lian ( tiddim )
3. U Pum Kho Gin ( Tiddim )
4. U Zahre Lian ( Falam )
5. U No Zam ( Falam )
6. U Thang Hlur ( Falam )
7. U Ro Thang ( Hakha)
8. U Ral Hmung /U Hrang Nawl ( Hakha )
9. U Sang Ning ( Matupi )
10. U Mang Tling ( Matupi )
11.U Shein Htang (Mindat )
12. U Tun Aung ( Kampe let )
13. U Htat Hlaing ( Paletwa)
14. U Saw Hla ( paletwa )
ch: Miroling Hrang Nawl cauk ah U lian Bik le Saya Ngun Hre tial mi le Tiddim to Yangon By Col Khen Za Moong . Hi lio ah Thantlang cu Hakha ah ai tel.
"OK without him"
He's moving on, and so am I. I'm going to put myself out there again. I've lost the love of my life, I really have nothing else to lose. So I just wanna thank him for everything. Thanks to him, I've changed all of my morals. I'm done playing it safe, I'm tired of being scared to get hurt. So I'm putting all of that behind me, and taking a risk. I've never felt so relieved. I can finally put all of this behind me. I mean, sure I'm going to miss him like crazy, but if it's what's best for him, then so be it. I'll be just find. I love him, I'll always love him, nothing will ever change that. But, now that we're over, I know that September was the last time we were ever really in love. So I'll remember him that way, I'm not going to stay friends with him, I just can't do it. So I'll tell him that I had fun with him, that'll I'll miss him, and what not. But most of all, I'll tell him that I'm going to be okay without him. I don't wanna have to be without him, but I know it's what's best for him, so I'll move on. I'll find somebody who loves me, and is willing to do anything to make me happy. I'll find a love that goes both ways. So goodbye
what is love?

What Is Love?
Random Thoughts and Reflections on Love
Larry James
How do you define love?
Some say it's mysterious, magical, complex, difficult, imaginary, thought-provoking, inspirational, intuitional, joyous, immeasurable, ecstasy, and undefinable. Perhaps.
In one of Dr. John Gray's audio cassettes he defines love as follows: "Love is a feeling directed at someone which acknowledges their goodness."
On the same cassette, he refers to the definition by M. Scott Peck: "The willful intent to serve the well being of another."
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:5-7
My favorite is by Paramahansa Yogananda: "To describe love is very difficult, for the same reason that words cannot fully describe the flavor of an orange. You have to taste the fruit to know its flavor. So with love."
Love itself is a universal experience. Yet, every individual occurrence - while perhaps bound by a common thread - seems absolutely unique. Love is what love is! To everyone it expresses itself differently.
"All You Need is Love!"
The Beatles
"All You Need Is Love" was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney for the "Our World" live television spectacular performed by the Beatles in June, 1967. 400 million people around the world saw the program. The number was included on the Yellow Submarine album.
Love is the answer to "all" questions!
It is important to stand in Love, not fall into it.
Love is waking up to find the object of your affection in the dream you were having asleep on your shoulder.
Could it be that Love is a story that can never be fully expressed?
Love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly. - Sam Keen
Love is a bond or connection between two people that results in trust, intimacy, and an interdependence that enhances both partners.
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you. - Leo Buscaglia
Making Love is the highest level and the most loving way we can physically express or demonstrate our Love for our love partner. Everyone knows that the sexual experience can be the single most loving, most exciting, most powerful, most exhilarating, most renewing, most energizing, most affirming, most intimate, most uniting, most stress-relieving, most recreative physical experience of which humans are capable.
Love is friendship set on fire. - Jeremy Taylor
If you would be loved, love and be lovable. - Benjamin Franklin
When you tell someone something bad about yourself and you're scared they won't Love you anymore. But then you get surprised because not only do they still Love you, they Love you even more. - Matthew - age 7
Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day. - Mary Ann - age 4
I love you!
Logic says everything in this world has a cause and an effect. True Love is the only feeling which is its own cause and its own effect. It is something illogical and yet above all logic. I Love her because I Love her, and I Love her so I Love her. - Prateek Kumar Singh
Love is comforting someone in need of Love and having them know that somebody cares.
Love is looking past imperfections in your partner and seeing the beautiful person inside. True love seeks the happiness and well being of your partner. Love expresses itself in the mutual respect you demonstrate to your partner.
Guys, this one is for you! - Love is letting your partner have the TV remote for 30 days!
Love must be experienced. Its meaning is infinite and can never be totally defined.
The opposite of Love is fear. Think about it.
There is no fear in Love; but perfect love casts out fear. - Bible, 1 John 4:1
God is love.
Love is loving someone without expecting anything in return; no judgments, no restrictions; no limitations; no expectations!
True Love is the nature of bliss.
Love is expressed when you are being someone who loves someone for who they are, not who you think they should be.
Love is embracing differences and discovering ways in which to build a common lifestyle, share decision-making, and taking equal responsibility for the results.
I was nauseous and tingly all over. . . I was either in Love or I had smallpox. - Woody Allen
Love seeks no cause beyond itself and no fruit; it is its own fruit, its own enjoyment. I love because I love; I love in order that I may love. - St. Bernard 1090-1153, French Theologian and Reformer
Teach only Love for that is what you are. - A Course In Miracles
Love is a decision.
Love Wagon If you want Love, you must first Love. Love begets Love. You cannot deliver from an empty wagon. You must first learn to Love yourself before you can give Love.
"If you Loved me, you would. . ." Not! Love is not manipulative. It must never be used to get others to do what you want. When you Love someone you never ask them to sacrifice a part of themselves in the name of Love. This form of manipulation contaminates our Love for another.
Can't Buy Me Love! - The Beatles
Love is to like with a great intensity.
True love has a foundation of integrity, respect, faith and trust. Love is the force that brings about unity and harmony.
Celebrate Love! - Larry James I Love You hearts
Although love is at the root of our basic nature, Love for another human being must be cultivated. It takes time for Love to mature.
Is your love free and unconditional, or is it mixed with various needs, conditions and demands from your partner?
Love is embracing differences and discovering ways in which to build a common lifestyle, share decision-making, and take equal responsibility for the results.
The road to self-discovery is paved with Love.
Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.
Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.
Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Love has no meaning other than the meaning "we" give it.
Perhaps. . . Love just Is. While in its allness and in its nothingness, all we need to do is simply let it Be.
Robert Heinlein in "Stranger in a Strange Land" said, Love is. . . "That condition whereby the happiness of another is essential to your own." (Thanks, Don)
To demonstrate Love. . . say, "I Love you" - outloud - at least once each day to someone you love. There is magic in these three little words. Saying "I love you" is the most beautiful gift you can give to your partner. These words are the most treasured a person can hear. To be different, say, "I Love you" in a foreign language.
What Is Love?
One must understand whether "what is love" can be a question which can be answered? Love cannot be a question. For, if it is a question then an answer should be there. If the answer is there, where is it? This question is ancient and an answer should have been found by now! If the answer has been found, the question would have disappeared.
But the question still remains, meaning the answer has not been found. If it has not been found as yet, then what is the certainty that it will be found? Maybe the mind can never find the answer! A single answer, which will please all minds, is not possible for each mind has its own ideas of love. Hence a universal answer is an illusion.
Individual answers are there for love and for this very reason there are arguments about love for each mind will contradict the answer of another mind. This contradiction is normal for each mind lives in a different point in time. Hence "what is love" is an illusionary question, which has no answer! - Dr. Vijai S. Shankar
All you need is
cung cung
vawlei cung population hna
Vawleicung milu dihlak
Vawlei cung I a ummi minung vialte milurelnak an ngeih dih hnu ah Vawlei cungah minung (6,795,493,430) an um ti a si.
Mah le Tteih cio in milu relnak (World’s Population by Continents )
· Asia 4,053,868,153
· Africa 972,752,366
· Europe 729,553,228
· North America 527,831,687
· South America 388,619,456
· Oceania (Incl. Australia) 34,368,042
· Antarctica Minung an um lo.
Cu caah Vawlei cung mi vialte i 60% cu Asia Tteih ah a ummi an si.
Vawleicung Thihlohnak le Chuahnak
· Minung 1000 chung ah minung 20 nih fa an hrin nain 8 cu an thi.
· Kumkhat ah minung 128.9 million hrin an si nain 53.4 million nih mual a kan liam tak.
· Ni fa tin tein minung 353,015 cu hrin sihmanh hna sehlaw 146357 cu an thi ve.
· Suimilam pakhat ah 14709 hrin an si i 6098 cu an thi lengmang ve.
· Minit pakhat (1minute) ah 245 hi hrin an si I cu chungah 102 hi a thimi an rak si.
· Secanh pakhat (1 Second) ah minung 4 hrin an si i a buaktlak in 2 lengmang cu a thi ve ko ti a si.
Vawlei cungmi vialte abuaktlak nunnak caan(Average Life Expectancy) cu kum (67) ti a si.
Cu vialte minung chung ah cun
· 1.8 billion cu kum 15 tang an si i abuaktlak cun (27%) an si.
· 4.4 billion cu kum 15-64 an si i a buaktlak cun (65%) an si tinak a si.
· 518 million tu hi cu 65 cung tarpawl an si. Cu hna cu (8%) hrawng an si.
Vawleicung minung tambik an umnak Ram hna
Vawleicung ah minung umnak ram le hmun hi ram/hmun 226 a si ti a si. Cu hna ram hna lak ah cun cheunga cheukhat(1/5) cu China ram chung lawng ah an um ti a si.
· China 1,338,612,968
· India 1,156,897,766
· United States 307,212,123
· Indonesia 240,271,522
· Brazil 198,739,269
· Pakistan 174,578,558
· Bangladesh 156,050,883
· Nigeria 149,229,090
· Russia 140,041,247
· Japan 127,078,679
Vawleicung minung le Biaknak
1. Christian 2,199,817,400
· Roman Catholics 1,121,516,000
· Independents 433,096,000
· Protestants 381,811,000
· Orthodox 233,146,000
· Anglicans 82,586,000
2. Muslims 1,387,454,500
3. Hindus 875,726,000
4. Chinese Universists 385,621,500
5. Buddhists 385,609,000
6. Sikhs 22,927,500
7. Jews 14,956,000
Vawleicung Holh Phun
Vawleicung ah holh phun 6,912 a um ti a si. Holh phunkhat lawng a holhmi miphun hna cu
1. Chinese
2. Spanish
3. English
4. Arabic
5. Hindi
6. Bengali
7. Portuguese
8. Russian
9. German
10. Japanese
hna an si.
1. The World Factbook (CIA).
2. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2009, ©2009.
3. Demographia World Urban Areas and Population Projection. 5th Comprehensive edition. April 2009 revision. www.demographia. com
4. Biblical Missions: History, Principles, Practice by Roy F. Dearmore. Garland, Tex.: Rodgers Baptist Church, ©1997.
Palhnak a um sual ah cun theihternak ka ngeih hram te uh.
Vawlei cung I a ummi minung vialte milurelnak an ngeih dih hnu ah Vawlei cungah minung (6,795,493,430) an um ti a si.
Mah le Tteih cio in milu relnak (World’s Population by Continents )
· Asia 4,053,868,153
· Africa 972,752,366
· Europe 729,553,228
· North America 527,831,687
· South America 388,619,456
· Oceania (Incl. Australia) 34,368,042
· Antarctica Minung an um lo.
Cu caah Vawlei cung mi vialte i 60% cu Asia Tteih ah a ummi an si.
Vawleicung Thihlohnak le Chuahnak
· Minung 1000 chung ah minung 20 nih fa an hrin nain 8 cu an thi.
· Kumkhat ah minung 128.9 million hrin an si nain 53.4 million nih mual a kan liam tak.
· Ni fa tin tein minung 353,015 cu hrin sihmanh hna sehlaw 146357 cu an thi ve.
· Suimilam pakhat ah 14709 hrin an si i 6098 cu an thi lengmang ve.
· Minit pakhat (1minute) ah 245 hi hrin an si I cu chungah 102 hi a thimi an rak si.
· Secanh pakhat (1 Second) ah minung 4 hrin an si i a buaktlak in 2 lengmang cu a thi ve ko ti a si.
Vawlei cungmi vialte abuaktlak nunnak caan(Average Life Expectancy) cu kum (67) ti a si.
Cu vialte minung chung ah cun
· 1.8 billion cu kum 15 tang an si i abuaktlak cun (27%) an si.
· 4.4 billion cu kum 15-64 an si i a buaktlak cun (65%) an si tinak a si.
· 518 million tu hi cu 65 cung tarpawl an si. Cu hna cu (8%) hrawng an si.
Vawleicung minung tambik an umnak Ram hna
Vawleicung ah minung umnak ram le hmun hi ram/hmun 226 a si ti a si. Cu hna ram hna lak ah cun cheunga cheukhat(1/5) cu China ram chung lawng ah an um ti a si.
· China 1,338,612,968
· India 1,156,897,766
· United States 307,212,123
· Indonesia 240,271,522
· Brazil 198,739,269
· Pakistan 174,578,558
· Bangladesh 156,050,883
· Nigeria 149,229,090
· Russia 140,041,247
· Japan 127,078,679
Vawleicung minung le Biaknak
1. Christian 2,199,817,400
· Roman Catholics 1,121,516,000
· Independents 433,096,000
· Protestants 381,811,000
· Orthodox 233,146,000
· Anglicans 82,586,000
2. Muslims 1,387,454,500
3. Hindus 875,726,000
4. Chinese Universists 385,621,500
5. Buddhists 385,609,000
6. Sikhs 22,927,500
7. Jews 14,956,000
Vawleicung Holh Phun
Vawleicung ah holh phun 6,912 a um ti a si. Holh phunkhat lawng a holhmi miphun hna cu
1. Chinese
2. Spanish
3. English
4. Arabic
5. Hindi
6. Bengali
7. Portuguese
8. Russian
9. German
10. Japanese
hna an si.
1. The World Factbook (CIA).
2. The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2009, ©2009.
3. Demographia World Urban Areas and Population Projection. 5th Comprehensive edition. April 2009 revision. www.demographia. com
4. Biblical Missions: History, Principles, Practice by Roy F. Dearmore. Garland, Tex.: Rodgers Baptist Church, ©1997.
Palhnak a um sual ah cun theihternak ka ngeih hram te uh.
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